There is something taboo when talking about suicide and why it happens. Society, people, life (...) do create major pressures for each individual to go through however, the idea of suicide is a difficult concept to wrap your head around. Those who attempt or commit suicide are looking for a quick way out where they feel they simply cannot find any other solution. Its easy for one who does not feel that they could ever attempt it to be defensive and claim that there are no "real reasons" for someone to go that far. It must be identified that those who think about suicide are majorly depressed and in most cases lack sufficient nerves in the brain that give them a "better" outlook on life. Its an increasing problem and it should be taken seriously. Children and teenagers are most likely at risk because of the constant pressures they face. Without significant support they cannot deal with their emotions or troubles on their own. With it comes this sense that no one cares about them so they will not be missed, or they are not a valid part of society and they will be forgotten after they're gone. It is a sad reality that we cannot manage the dangers our children fear. Yes, it is noted that this is a permanent solution to a temporary problem however, this concept is not understood when those who attempt it are in a helpless state. It is even said that though there are as many girls who attempt to commit suicide as boys, boys are more successful. This is because boys use more extreme methods compared to girls who are likely to take a painless way out. As a future educator it's important to note when students display thoughts of suicide as it cannot be taken lightly. Those who usually display thoughts or attempts of suicide are generally crying out for help and need someone to pick up on their cries so they can receive help and in turn feel there is hope for the future. Hence, be aware of the signs and create a positive environment for your students to feel comfortable to come talk to you in time of need.
Keep your heads up kids!
Keep your heads up kids!
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