Monday, February 2, 2009

Pics & T.V

"In a fish bowl"
Hey guys!
Today's lab was all about experimenting with "Photo Booth" a unique program on Mac. I've posted a couple of my pictures that I liked best. It's pretty amazing to play around with all the many different styles of photos. A personal favorite is the sort of Andy Warhol imitation with all the inverse colors. These photos are pretty self explanatory as I was just having fun with it. I find they describe myself best. I love to laugh especially when it's at my own expense (as presented in the first photo.) It was pretty easy to get carried away when the features are all built in for you.


On a separate note this weeks readings touched upon the portrayals of the types of television shows that are being watched by the very impressionable audience that is our world today. The discussion got pretty heated in class when someone mentioned the big "O," yes I went there, Oprah. I wasn't too sure what the hype was all about but I for one am not out to bash O but I would like to admit that the topics that were brought to my attention were equally justified. I think it is a bit of a concern to acknowledge how much people buy into what celebrity talk show hosts lead us to believe will improve or better our life in any way. After all, they are pretty convincing. Especially when full audience members are jumping in union to that brand new item just declared under their seat the whole time. It is a spectacle, it's an instant visual stimulant. A quote in particular that caught my eye in the readings says, "Consumer culture became a worldview which inculcated people into the habit of consumption as a path to a fulfilling life." (Macedo & Steinberg pg.357) It makes you wonder if this is really what we have come to. Has the media influenced our society so intensely to the point where we are convinced the only way to happiness is through excessive consumption? Who do we turn to when we are basing real life choices through talk shows. Its a dim reality...

"Deep thinker"
Until next time,

Here's my short attempt of a video blog!

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